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Antrag auf Kostenübernahme für einen Open-Access-Artikel 2024

Apply for covering your article's APC through the Goethe University Open Access fund

Please fill out the following form. Your information helps us to evaluate if your article is eligible for funding.
The University is closed from 21 December 2024 to 5 January 2025. Applications will be reviewed from 6 January 2025 onwards.
Information on your article
Author (corresponding or submitting author)
Please name the corresponding or submitting author of the article. Please note that this person has to be affiliated to Goethe University.
How may we adress you?
Please select your preferred form of address.
Goethe University Faculty

Please state the corresponding author's faculty (Fachbereich) at Goethe-University.

If there is no affiliation to a department or you are not sure, please choose "other" and fill in the appearing field.

Institute/working group at the selected department
Please state the corresponding author's institute oder working group at Goethe University.
Please name further authors of the article.
Please state the expected title of the article. You can state a working title.
Journal title
Please state the name of the journal in which the article is expected to be published.
Is the journal listed in the DOAJ?

Usually, publication fees can only be covered for articles published in journals that are listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Please verify if the journal you chose for publication is listed here:

The DOAJ only lists "full" Open Access journals. Depending on the publisher, funding is available for articles published in closed access journals that offer authors to switch their articles to open access by paying a fee (so called "hybrid Open Access"). Please click on one of the following publlishers for more information:

Expected cost in EUR

Please state the expected net amount, that is, the publication fee/APC without VAT. Usually, this is the list price stated by most international publishers. The publication fund can covers articles up to 2000 EUR net (2380 gross) in full. APC above this are funded pro rata.

Through agreements between the University Library and certain publishers, GU authors may receive substantial discounts on publication fees. Please consult our information on agreements with publishers. Furthermore, many publishers grant individual discounts when they are informed about our price cap.

Does your publication result from a third-party funded project?

If the publication results from research that is part of a third-party-funded project, please select "yes".

Third-party-funded projects include all collaborative funding projects financed by research funding organisations such as the DFG, BMBF, LOEWE, ERC etc. (e.g. ERC Grants, Research Training Groups, Collaborative Research Centres, LOEWE Schwerpunkte, Clusters of Excellence, etc.), but also Individual Research Grants. Publication Grants do not count as projects for the purposes of this question.

If your publication results from a third-party-funded project, please state the funding institution and the funding code (if available).

Please select the funding institution from the list and enter the funding code into the comment field.

The funding code corresponds to the information that you may also include in your publication as a Funding Acknowledgement. It often consists of a combination of letters and numbers (e.g. SFB 123 for Collaborative Research Centres) or a multi-digit project number.

Are any third-party funds available to finance the publication fees?

In accordance with the funding conditions of the Open Access Publication Fund, any third-party funding available to you for the publication must be spent first before the costs can be covered by the fund.

If the available third-party funding covers the expected net publication fees, the publication must be financed through this funding.

If the third-party funding is not sufficient to cover the publication fees, the Publication Fund will finance the remaining amount on a pro rata basis. Please enter the cost centre of your project below.

How much third-party funding do you have available to finance the publication fee?
Please indicate the amount of thrid party funds in EUR with which you can cover the publication fee (either partially or completely).
Financing your publication through third-party funding

The third-party funding available to you will cover the publication costs in full. According to the funding requirements of the Open Access Publication Fund, your publication is therefore not eligible for funding.

Please settle the invoice for your publication via the cost centre of your third-party funded project.

Pro rata funding for APC higher than 2000 EUR: The remaining sum is covered by ...

APCs with a net price of more than 2000 EUR can only be funded on a pro rata basis. Part of the funding is provided by the publication fund, the remaining sum of NAN EUR must be covered by other sources.

The source of funding can be a cost centre of the GU (e.g. that of a department or a third-party funded project), or an external institution (e.g. the department of co-authors at another university).

Please indicate here whether the remaining funds are to be covered by an in-house or external institution.

Pro rata funding for APC higher than 2000 EUR: The remaining sum is covered by ...

You have EUR in third-party funds available to finance your article. The remaining sum to cover your APC is NAN EUR. The Publication Fund will cover this amount in full.

The source of funding can be a cost centre of the GU (e.g. that of a faculty) or an external institution (e.g. the faculty of co-authors at another institution).

Please indicate here whether the remaining funds will be covered by an internal or external organisation.

Pro-rata funding of APC by in-house cost centre

The publication fund will cover a share of 2000 EUR of your publication costs. The remaining sum of NAN EUR must be financed from the cost centre of your institute.

Please enter the corresponding cost centre here.

Pro-rata funding of APC by in-house project cost centre

The Publication Fund covers a share of up to 2000 EUR of your publication fees. The remaining sum of NAN EUR must be financed from the cost centre of your institute or project.

The third-party funds of EUR available to you according are not sufficient to cover the remaining sum. You will therefore have to add funds from another source.

Please enter the following cost centres here:

  1. Project cost centre through which you are contributing third-party funding ( EUR in total)
  2. Cost centre at the GU (e.g. department, institute, work area) which covers the remaining funds of NAN EUR

Pro-rata funding of APC by an external party (outside the GU).

Please state the full address of the organisation that will pay the remaining sum.

The publication fund covers a share of 2000 EUR of your publication costs. The remaining sum of NAN EUR must be covered by another source.

You have indicated that an external organisation will finance the remaining funds. Please give us the full address of this organisation.

Pro-rata funding of APC by an external party (outside the GU).

The Publication Fund covers a share of up to 1800 EUR of your publication costs; furthermore, you must contribute EUR in third-party funding. If the third-party funds are paid by a GU-external organisation, please enter the invoice adress of the organisation here. We will send an invoice to the external organisation.

Please enter the invoice address at the clinic.

The publication fund covers up to EUR 2000 of the publication costs, after deducting available third-party funds. Costs not paid by the publication fund will be charged to the hospital, where they will be paid from the corresponding cost centres.

Please enter an invoice address for your work area at the hospital so that the responsible financial accounting department can pay the share of the costs.

Article submission date
Please state the (expected) submission date of the article.
Open date/time selector
E-mail address
Please state an e-mail address so we can contact you.
Would you like to give us further information, or do you have any questions? Please use this field.